When extending range, most singers rave about singing higher and dedicate a lot of time working on developing their head voice. Consequently, the lower register is often neglected and suffers from inadequate intensity. Yet, mastering your chest voice by learning how to sing a low note is a wonderful way to build a solid vocal foundation and add a few notes to your entire range.

How Good Are Your Low Notes
Does your chest voice sound steady?
How is your pitch accuracy on low notes?
Are you equally comfortable using breathy and clean tones when descending in range?
How loudly can you sing low melodies?
Can you activate vibrato on command on any notes?
Is the quality of your tone between your chest and head voice so different that it sounds like two different people singing?
Does your voice crack?
Losing control on low notes is problematic because when your voice is stripped of bass power, we can't hear you. You fail to give the song justice and you disappear behind the music. What good is that?
Plus, technically speaking, there's also no way you will be able to bridge smoothly into your mix voice in order to access your upper register unless things are moving properly down there. Everything can potential go down the drain from there! Are you setting yourself up for failure?
Singing Tips on How to Sing Low Notes Correctly
There are 3 key factors to consider in order to master your lower register:
1) Relaxation
Always at the foundation of singing, relaxation creates space. This is exactly what your larynx needs to adequately pull or loosen vocal cords to pitch. If you compare this to the strings of a guitar, it makes sense to think that widening the throat into relaxation creates an auspicious environment for low notes to vibrate. Vocal cords thicken and vibrate more slowly with slack and that's easier to do when tension is gone.
2) Placement
Understandably, low notes carry more bass resonance. The skills to progressively include bass as you reach the bottom of your range is detrimental to maintain consistency in your tone and avoid embarrassing voice cracks. If you are guilty of pulling chest on your way up, surely, shifting back to your lower register is equally problematic. Discovering the correct pathway for your voice to travel would fix this. Keep in mind that placement affects tone. Therefore, when you sing using correct placement, your tone is smooth and rich as opposed to rough and gravely. Use your ears to identify the right sound down there. Let it rumble!
3) Support
The difference between singing from the diaphragm and not your throat is going to help you relax. This takes us back to #1 with relaxation. #2 inevitably follows. And just like that, a healthy cycle of vibrant low singing is reinforced when you support your voice with your diaphragm as opposed to your throat. The key is to push conservatively for volume and let your resonance do most of the work for you instead. Interestingly, the average song uses higher pitches anyway to build momentum so odds are that you will sing the verses lower and softer than the chorus. Save your energy for parts of the song that actually require volume instead. Remember that soft doesn't mean weak. Keep your tone clean and crisp to cut through the mix. Make your point but save your throat. Who new building contrast this way was so easy!
Still need help accessing the lower part of your register? Don't delete yourself by disappearing in the inconsistencies of your range.
Maintain your presence.
Capture the essence of melody by giving every pitch the respect it deserves.
Bless your audience with rock bottom vibration sure to shake up their world.
Don’t argue with the voice of your dream, or try to wing it. Get the skills and training to burst into the undeniable power of your singing. I have a great variety of strategies and exercises to OPTIMIZE substance at the very depth of your vocal strength. If you are ready for a CLEAR, SHARP and ROBUST bottom, if you are ready to bring back your THUNDER, then make a move!
Set up your FREE consultation session with me and let's talk about it! Go to:
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