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Frequent Singing Questions And Answers

Writer: Val BastienVal Bastien

Updated: Aug 20, 2024

In this blog, I am answering frequently asked questions about singing. These vocal tips will help you improve your singing. These may have been asked during a lesson or on my Facebook group "Sing Higher, Louder and Effortlessly."

Val Bastien, OTC Toronto's Best Singing Teacher)
Val Bastien, OCT (Singing Teacher)

Singing Questions And Answers

I hope this will be useful to you; keep reading!

Singer experiences vocal fatigue.
Voice fatigue is common in singers.

I pushed my voice too much and now I have vocal fatigue; what should I do?

As you are learning new singing strategies and not always applying them correctly, it is normal to experience a little bit of vocal fatigue. If this is happening regularly however, it is an indication of tension and without rehabilitating your voice, long term consequences are eminent. If you experience vocal fatigue, rest your voice until it is back to normal. Keep talking to a minimum and do not sing. Also reflect on what you are doing wrong and how to remedy the situation by learning proper singing technique. Seek professional guidance to avoid any future vocal misuse.


Healthy food for singers.
Are you a singing conscious eater?

What food should I eat for my voice?

Beyond saying to stay away from fast food and eat healthy, there are specific types of food to avoid before singing and especially before a performance. For example, many people experience acid reflux from spicy food. Milk products tend to produce phlegm on vocal cords. Coffee, some teas, soda and alcohol dry out vocal cords. I stick to a low histamine, sugar and gluten free diet to manage my multiple food sensitivities. To identify what food works for you or doesn't, keep a food journal and monitor any reactions. Pick your food accordingly.


Microphone and stage lights.
Do you feel nervous before hitting the stage?

How can I overcome stage fright?

The best way I know to avoid stage fright is not to care too much. When we care to do well and impress, we pressure ourselves to perform. That internal stress triggers our nerves and we start making mistakes. Making mistakes add to the initial fear of performance. No only does it contributes to more problems but it builds up the feelings of inadequacy. And next time you need to hit the stage, you will feel even more nervous... So next time you have to sing, don't care too much about what might happen. Just try to have fun and go for it. If you make mistakes, see them as opportunities to grow and don't worry too much about it. Break a leg!!


Choir singers are singing together.
All voice types are awesome!

What is my voice type?

There are 4 main categories to organize singers' vocal range. These are the qualifiers you would find in a choir setting for example, in order to know what part would be the most suitable for you to sing. Men are generally classified as either bass or tenor. Bass singers typically have a very low and full tone. Tenors can reach a higher register and their timbre is brighter,

As for woman, singers who are more comfortable singing in their lower register are altos while soprano singers can hit high notes at the top of the singing range. Never ever restrict yourself to vocal labels. Most untrained singers relate to the lower voice types but with correct technique and practice, you can increase your range to sing as low and high as needed.


Singers experiences a sore throat and vocal fatigue.
Singers hate sore throats...

How can I avoid vocal fatigue after singing?

The secret to avoiding vocal fatigue during and after singing is to listen to what your body is telling you. If you "feel" your throat, you are doing something wrong. Relax and realign your instrument. Singing requires a lot of self-awareness. Educate yourself on how to use correct technique and don't push your limits unnecessarily. Vocal cords are very fragile; treat them as such!

To read more about how to prevent vocal fatigue read my blog 3 Areas Of Tension You Didn't Know You Have


Abdomen using diaphragmatic support to support singing.
Support your voice using your diaphragm.

Should I keep my belly in or out during singing?

During singing, we do not tuck the belly

in because it sends the air pressure up and squeezes the larynx. We also don't push the the stomach out because it is uncomfortable and therefore not cohesive to singing. The correct technique to support your voice is to push down. This is what is meant by "singing from the diaphragm"!

Read more about breathing and support in my blog: 3 Exercises To Breathe From The Diaphragm


X-ray of the vertebrae for correct posture.
Stand straight!

What is the correct posture for singers?

During singing, stand up straight rather than sit if at all possible. Roll your shoulders back while maintaining relaxation. Be careful not to overextend your spine. Leaning slightly forward is sometimes helpful but not essential. Keep both feet should length apart for good balance.


Lungs of a singer.
Breath is at the foundation of singing.

Why is breathing so important for singers?

Breath fuels your voice therefore if your breathing is off, your singing will suffer. Always plan your breath in songs. Use diaphragmatic breathing techniques to fill up your lungs and support your voice.

Read more about breathing and support in my blog: 3 Exercises To Breathe From The Diaphragm


Singer, face, nose, mouth.
Are you a nose or mouth breather?

Should you breathe through the nose or mouth during singing?

You can train yourself to breathe through both the nose and mouth at the same time. That way more air will go in and your palate and tongue are more likely to stay relax.

Read more about breathing and support in my blog: 3 Exercises To Breathe From The Diaphragm


Visualize your voice!
Visualize your voice!

How can I see my voice?

You may not see your voice but you can use your imagination to create a clear mental picture of it. Use the sensations of the resonance to see where it moves. Think of colors to illustrate pitch, texture, tone, etc... This way, your voice will appear less abstract.

To find out more about how to expand your skill, head up to my FREE masterclass "The 5-Step Strategy my Clients Use to Perform at Their Best" below:

Grab your FREE consultation today to chat about your vocal goals and how I can support you in achieving your full potential:

Sing your heart out!


Voice Yourself Singing Inc.

Studio Hours:

Monday - Friday: 4pm - 9pm

By appointment only.

Valerie Bastien, OCT

Dufferin St and Rogers Rd  

Toronto, ON

Tel: 647-209-3776

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Disclaimer: This site is provided for educational purposes only. Please consult a health professional if you experience unusual or persistent vocal health concerns. While our lessons are designed with your vocal well-being in mind, it's important to address any underlying health conditions that may affect your voice.

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