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How To Sing On Pitch

Writer's picture: Val BastienVal Bastien

Updated: Aug 20, 2024

It is normal for any singer to occasionally sing out of pitch. This is a problem that is quickly noticed by even the most uneducated ears.

Singer is embarrassed because she did not sing on pitch.
Correct vocal technique increases pitch accuracy.

Good Pitch Bad Pitch

Let me be blunt here:

Bad pitch is repelling.

Thankfully, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand perfect pitch. Are you generally singing flat or sharp when that happens? Why is this happening in the first place? There are only 3 main reasons why a singer fails to do a beautiful melody justice.

1) Lack of technical mastery

2) Inability to hear oneself well

3) Tonedeafness

Singing on pitch is a basic expectation for all singers. It seems easy enough to do... But it's NOT! And when pitch goes wrong it has devastating consequences. It ruins EVERYTHING! Right?! Has singing out of tune ever caused you to lose face or miss out on opportunities? Indeed the cost of even one off pitch note could be super COSTLY. What if because of poor pitch control...

Your family tells you your singing is getting on their nerves.

You didn't get picked to front the cool band you were hoping to join.

You couldn't make it in your churches' worship team.

The choir director politely told you to try again next year.

The TV show audition you prepared for didn't work out.

Only a handful of people bother to watch your performance on YouTube, TikTok or Instagram and even less people care to leave a positive comment or "like" it.

You CRINGE when listening to yourself on a recording.

There are many more reasons to feel self-conscious about singing out of tune. The good news is that unless you are tonedeaf, there is a solution to this.

You see, if you happen to be tonedeaf, if you can't hear the difference between low and high pitches... If singing "Happy Birthday" sounds like contemporary atonal music, then there's nothing wrong with you per se. But your brain is NOT wired to understand pitch accurately. And that is EXTREMELY challenging to change. You may still be really musical but learning an instrument that generally keeps its tuning is a better choice for you. Piano or drums are wonderful alternatives!

Now that we've gotten this out of the way, I'd like to reassure you that for everyone else, unreliable pitch can be rectified.

First, you have to identify what is at the root of this issue. For example, if you can't hear yourself well when singing at home or during choir practice, you may cup a hand over your ear to capture and funnel sound waves back into it and instantly hear yourself louder.

During band rehearsal, diligently balance your voice in the mix without overwhelming it with the drums and guitars. Go easy on the guitar strumming and piano to keep your instruments' volume in check and your voice on top when playing acoustically. But most importantly, do not try to sing louder to stand out. Many singers injure themselves this way. It's safer to lower the music accompaniment rather than raise your voice. Actively listen to yourself as opposed to just hearing. Concentrate!

At the basis of great pitch is EXCELLENT vocal technique. Why it overrides how well you can hear yourself is obvious: if you can't hit the notes right because of vocal tension, nothing else matters. Except perhaps being aware and honest enough to admit it. Next, take action! Practicing more makes sense. Do this:

Practice problematic areas in isolation and at low speed. Wash and repeat. Slowly increase your speed as your proficiency level improves and until the original tempo is matched.

What if you know you're not using your voice properly because your throat feels tight when you sing. Because the tone and texture change in certain parts of your register... What if you desperately try to eliminate whatever is setting you back in fixing your pitch problem... You try a hundred different ways to sing and you just can't get it right? Repetition won't serve you unless you also rehabilitate your technique. In fact, practicing mistakes only digs the hole deeper.

Now, there is only so much a music engineer can do with Autotune and Melodyne on your recordings. And if your goal is to perform in front of any audience, no matter how small or big, then developing CONSISTENT pitch accuracy should be your main concern because you can't compensate for bad pitch by using good looks and charisma.

Flawless pitch on the other hand is a deal made in singing HEAVEN!

It builds the CONFIDENCE of a leader so that you can connect with the vibes of your song and deliver a mind blowing performance. It provides for a MARVELLOUSLY smooth and pleasing listening experience. It turns your audience ON. Onto YOU. To feel you. To admire and appreciate your gift to the world. To focus on your unique BEAUTY. To immerse yourself in your heart-to-song-to-heart POWERS,

Bring on the ecstasy of a vibrant heartfelt song.

Bring on the cheers and applause.

Bring on the LOVE and HAPPINESS!

Isn't that what we're all in it for?

As YOUR vocal coach, I am here to serve you. To help you achieve the highest of your singing potential. To become the most FANTASTIC version of yourself. If you want to SHINE your light. If singing is your CALLING. If you care about making a difference in your life and those around you.

Then it would be my pleasure to guide you towards your dreams and aspirations. Mastering singing technique is as easy as 1, 2, 3; but only with the RIGHT approach.

I am an expert on that topic. If you are interested in INCREDIBLY fast results, don't wait any longer and please reach out. Follow the link to my calendar below and set up a time for us to start planning for the bright future you are creating for yourself:

Right on,


Voice Yourself Singing Inc.

Studio Hours:

Monday - Friday: 4pm - 9pm

By appointment only.

Valerie Bastien, OCT

Dufferin St and Rogers Rd  

Toronto, ON

Tel: 647-209-3776

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Disclaimer: This site is provided for educational purposes only. Please consult a health professional if you experience unusual or persistent vocal health concerns. While our lessons are designed with your vocal well-being in mind, it's important to address any underlying health conditions that may affect your voice.

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